
Hair Conditioner
Quick Overview

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Take specified quantity of KESHVEDA Hair Conditioner in a bowl (Quantity depends upon the length of your hair). Then add sufficient water to make the paste.  Mix

Product Side Info

  • 15 Days Return Policy

Product Weight
100 gm

Availability: Out of Stock!

Rs.  135.00 Rs. 150.00

KESHVEDA Hair Conditioner is a combination of Cassia Obovata with rare Herbs like AmlaBrahmiBhringaraj, etc.  It is a high effective hair conditioner and it makes the hair glossy and gives nourishment to hair and scalp.

Required Quantity For Various Length of Hair:

  • 50 gm for very short hair especially for men
  • 100 gm for short hair
  • 150 gm for Collar length hair
  • 200 gm for shoulder length hair
  • 300 gm for waist length hair

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